I woke up this morning knowing that later I would have to go babysitting...I was dreading it. When I got there no one was home so I ended up just going back to my house which kinda sucked but at the same time YAY I didn't have to babysit. Well, no, not quite. A few minutes after returning home there was a knock on the door and my hopes were crushed and I had to babysit anyway. Turns out I had to bring Meiyan to a birthday party.
IT WAS AMAZING!! The place the party was that is. It was called Glitter Pie.

The kids made all sorts of things that just looked like so much fun, it was really hard to restrain myself. I wanted to make all the crafts sooo bad!!! Especially the glitter pies!!
These pies were made of shaving cream topped with glitter. Then you put every colour of food dye all over. Then, the best part; SQUISH!!! Oh how I wanted to feel that multicolour shaving cream in between my fingers. All the crafts involved sooo much glitter I couldn't believe it. I couldn't help but rub my fingers in it.The women running the place kind of looked at me funny when I did that...
Another thing that happened today.
After babysitting I met my mom and my sister downtown. It was late so by the time I got there we only had time to go to one store. Of course, we went to H&M (although going to ZARA would have made the trip even better). The H&M at the eaton center is under renovations and last time I went it was a huge disappointment. This time, it was far from that. I didn't end up buying much but just looking was fine for me. They had so many amazing things. A lot velvet, lace and shoulders. I bought two shirts with big shoulders.

Also at H&M I found *drum roll please* VELVET HAREM PANTS!! They were amazing but they were 60 bucks, and more than I had. Sooooo, thank god for mothers, my MOM bought them!! YIPEE!!

Thanks to Petra modeling them. It's too bad my camera wasn't functioning. Need more batteries!!
Okay well my computer is about to die so I have to finish this up. I'll end by saying I still haven't seen Alice In Wonderland and I might die if I don't see it soon. (I've been wearing my bunny necklace in hopes of it increasing my chances of soon seeing this movie. I don't really know why I think it'll help but eh, whatever.)